Title: FY-65 DEMO 80 HOUSING UNITS MENRIV N62467-04-C-8335
Charleston Naval Weapons Station
Charleston, South Carolina
Scope: Demolish, remove and disposal of 80 housing units; abatement of lead based paints; grading/grassing entire site; storm drainage modifications; erosion control. Contract Value: $1,000,000.00
Contact : Broadband Network Services
100 Brigade St. Charleston, SC 29403
Fred Anthony (843) 722-6813
Title: C17 SQUAD OPS/AMU FACILITY #3 & #4 Charleston Air force Base (CAFB) Charleston, SC
Scope: Demolition of existing bldgs., roadway, walks, etc. All earthwork for AMU #3 & #4 including bldg. pads, parking lots, roadway including parking lots at CE Compound and Bldg. 700. Concrete curb & gutter/sidewalks; asphalt paving/line stripping, grassing. All storm drainage and reconstruction/relocation of Graves.
Contract Value: $1,500,000.00
Contact : Arctic Slope Construction, Inc.
100 E. Corson Street Pasadena, CA 91103
Title: REPAIR ACCESS RAMP, BLDG 700 Charleston Air Force Base (CAFB) Charleston, SC
Scope: Excavate, grade and prepare site for concrete pavement installation including removal/disposal- contaminated soil; loading, hauling and placement of crushed concrete as aggregate base, storm drainage.
Contract Value: $325,000.00 Contact : Head, Inc.
Columbus, Ohio Paul Ondera, VP (614) 338-8501
Charleston, SC Scope: All grading, aggregate base, demolition and removal/disposal of causeway. Federal and State funded project.
Contract Value: $1,000,000.00
Contact : Banks Construction Co., Inc.
North Charleston, SC Ron Banks, VP (843) 744-8261
Title: Bees Ferry Landfill MSW Cell 2 Construction, Contract #4248, IFB 4248-09, Charleston County, SC Scope: Supplied and hauled fill dirt (soil) and liner material (clay) for Bees Ferry Landfill cell construction.
Contract Value: $1,350,000.00
Contact : Glover Construction Co., Inc.
4493 US 301 Highway Pleasant Hill, NC 27866 Matt Glover, VP
Title: Wellborn Village – Phase I (Town Homes) Scope: All grading, storm drainage, conduit, aggregate and grassing for subdivision. Clearing, soil stabilization, asphalt paving, concrete curb & gutter/sidewalk, sewer/water performed by subs.
Contract Value: $2,153,000.00
Contact : HLA, Inc.
29 Leinbach Drive, A2 Charleston, SC 29407-6988 John Lester, Principal or Adriana Carson, EIT (843) 763-1166
Title: The Hunt Club – Phase V (Town Homes) Scope: All grading, storm drainage, conduit, aggregate base, erosion control, tree protection, concrete storm drainage structures (boxes). Clearing, asphalt, concrete curb & gutter/sidewalks, water & sewer performed by sub-contractors.
Contract Value: $868,224.45
Contact : Rainbow Development Group, LLC
1901 Ashley River Rd., Ste 70 Charleston, SC 29407 Russ Nester, Principal (843) 763-2732
Title: The Hunt Club – Phase IV (Subdivision) Scope: All grading, storm drainage, conduit, aggregate base, grassing for subdivision construction. Clearing, asphalt paving, sewer and water performed by subs. Completed Phases I, II & III prior to Phase IV.
Contract Value: $2,264,000.00
Contact : Rainbow Development Group, LLC
1901 Ashley River Rd., Suite 70 Charleston, SC 29407 Russ Nester, Principal (843) 763-2732
Title: The Villages @ St. Johns Woods – Phase IV (Subdivision) Scope: All grading, storm drainage, conduit, aggregate base for subdivision. Concrete curb & gutter/sidewalks, sewer/water, clearing and asphalt paving performed by subs. Completed two other Phases prior.
Contract Value: $1,236,000.00
Contact : Pearlstine Properties
5900 Core Rd, Suite 503 Charleston, SC 29406 Jon Westendorff (843) 766-1166