
The roots of the W. Frazier Construction Inc. can be traced back to 1981 Mr. Willie Frazier, Sr. purchased a bulldozer started clearing land  in and around Ravenel, South Carolina. When the demand of the member services increased, he purchased a truck and trailer to haul his bulldozer from site to site. W Frazier Construction, Inc. is a Small Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Construction firm located Ravenel, South Carolina.  The company specializes in providing road construction,site preparation,demolition, hauling, dirt mining and land clearance for the federal and state agencies, state and local government, as well as corporations and private companies.

Certification and Licenses

  1. General Contractor – License number: G13281
  2. SCDOT Pre-Qualified Prime Contractor – Vendor 1WF001
  3. MBE Contractor
  4. Charleston County Certified SB#, Certication Number 073008-10-CN-040
  5. Governor’s Office Small & Minority Business – OSMBA Certification Number 0101230310
  6. SCDHEC Onsite Sewage Treatment & Disposal System
  7. SCEIS (SC Enterprise Info System) Vendor Registration No 7000028610
  8. City of Charleston Certified DBE
  9. SCDOT – DBE



Government (Federal, State, City & County); FAA (Airport); Developers (Sub-Divisions); Industrial / Commercial.

Professional Organizations:

ASAC (American Subcontractors Association of the Carolinas), SCTA (South
Carolina Trucking Association).